
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

My quarter century and many more

Alhamdulillah....cuma itu yang bisa gw katakan untuk memperingati umur gua yang udah 1/4 abad, malu sih sebenarnya belom bisa ngebahagiain orang tua gue, gw masi jadi anak nakal bocah tua nakal tepatnya :D untuk kehidupan pribadiiii no comment deh....masi blom ada progress dari gw dan sang imam, doa gw selalu semoga gw dapet jalan yang terbaik buat ini semua. and the point is : pada hari jadi gw, semua begitu indah, walopun gak sempurna, dan i have a present from my lovely buddies white snowie bear :) here's the pict (sweet huh)

hehehe lumayan buat temen tidur gw di kantor empuk banget soalnya he he he.... dan mengingatkan ku ama yang ngasih ;) , thank you beyb i really like it....

siangnya di kantor dengan sangat senang hati dan hati yang penuh keikhlasan gw traktir temen2 kantor gw makan di sop iga mbak yanti gondangdia, alhamdulillah facebook gw penuh ama ucapan2 dari temen, sodara, temen baru, temen yang gw gak kenal wkwkwwk, setidaknya gw berterima kasih ama doa2 mrk buat gw....malemnya, karaoke ama onche n witha...abis dah tuh suara ampe treak2 gitu....

and....all wonderfull that day, thanks guys....

Friday, October 2, 2009

my dumbness

okey...this is my horrible things that i was do with my lovely buddies...

yesterday, i have a lot of something to do, checking email, arrange bid document, comparing with all answers out there, and so on....
i just want to copy my office address book at email and drop at my own email address book, and it cant copied though, so i must rewrite to my address book...suddenly (because its rush hour, and i have lot things to do) i with my un-awareness call that software is a crap....i dont know why, until i recognize he threat me different, he is sooo coold with me, and i dont know why, until i ask him, whats wrong, cmon tell me !!, then he said that...i was tell the software that he built with all his time and his energy is a crap, ok...i accept that, its my failure...and i apology to him, im not appreciate the thing that he was built, and he sent me a messege

" i just only got surprise because the one that i love who suppose to be as my side telling me the same things like anyone else, I just felt alone i think that no one beside me and no one gave me support"

than i feel horrible about that...

im just have a low spec processor on my head.....