
Thursday, August 29, 2013


Bermula ketika Gubernur terpilih DKI Jakarta yang penggemar musik cadas mendapatkan guitar bass dari Robert Trujillo (bassist Metallica), dan ketika ditanya pers mau undang metallica ke Jakarta apa nggak si pak Jokowi bilang kemungkinan oktober bakal manggung, tapi syaratnya masyarakat jakarta harus tertib dan tidak boleh rusuh seperti pada tahun 1993. Seketika itu juga gw berharap mereka bakal konser lagi di jakarta. Dan angin segar pun agak berhembus ketika gw nemuin path dari temen gw gambar banner METALLICA Live in Jakarta : Gelora bung karno 25 Agustus.

langsung gw ngebatin, beneran gak nih? kalo bener gw harus nonton. Tapi kabar itu kaya "ngilang" selama berminggu2, disamping juga belum ada pengumuman resmi di website Metallica (singapore dan malaysia sudah ada tanggalnya), dan ada yang bilang itu hoax.

Setelah beberapa minggu akhirnya ada pengumuman resmi dari Metallica dan Blackrock entertainment (EO) tanggal 8 Juli tiket mulai di jual. Berbagai media pun udah ngumumin kabar tsb. gambar poster dan venue pun udah cakep nampang di website.


Gw dan Abang gw langsung memburu websitenya si EO tsb niatnya mao beli blue class tapi dipikir2 lagi mahal juga ya ngeluarin hampir 1jt buat konser, ah biar kakak gw aja yg beli blue, gw beli green, dan setelah semedi panjang dan buka webnya ternyataaaaa..... gak bisa kebuka !!!.Well antusias orang Indonesia gede banget buat Metallica, sampe server EO nya gak kuat lagi, dan bbrp hari kemudian website normal lagi tapiii.... pembelian hanya untuk kelas festival dahulu. okelaaahhh nunggu lagii....sampee.... lebaranpun tiba dan THR turun (itulah yang ditunggu), tapi keraguan dateng lagi, krn sempet atep rumah rembes kalo ujan, setelah banyak pertimbangan (baca : plin plan) akhirnya H-7 konser gw baru beli tiket offline di Disc Tarra Kota Cassablanka.

Dan tanggal 24 August pun tiba, dimana para Jamaah Metallicariyah pada nukerin tiket konser, here we are... Indonesia, dimana disini jam terbuat dari karet, kata EO nya penukaran tiket mulai jam 10-20 WIB, sampe sana antrian udeh mengular tapi ticket box belon juga dibukak. yassalaaammm !!!

Berhubung gw lembur dan keadaan mengharuskan gw bawa abang gocit, akhirnya gw mundur dari antrian dan balik lagi setelah pulang lembur (sekitar jam 15:30), dan yeaaaaaaaahhhh... gak antri.... tiketpun kudapat.. tadaaaaaaaaaaaa....

daannn.... tibalah hari bersejarah tersebut.... Abang gw dari malem udah berkoar di Whatsapp "kita berangkat jam 15:00 teng biar gampang cari parkir, setelah menyelesaikan kewajiban sebage istri dan ibu yang metal (nyuci, nyapu, ngepel boboin papanya anaknya) berangkatlah dengan baju kebangsaan berwarna gelap, kebetulan baju metallica gw udah kaga ada yang muat. dan tadaaaaaaaaaa..... (lagi)

tangan gw loh ini bukan pentungan pos ronda

sampe juga kita di GBK, pas sampe pintu utama ternyata gw harus berpisah ama abang gw, karena kita beda kasta di tempat konser itu, dengan bermodal ojek ceban, dan melewati 3x pemeriksaan gate, sampelah gw di green venue.

gw gak kenal mas2 yang di belakang gw jadi jangan nanya no telpnya

GBK penuh sama 60.000 orang dan 8000 orang yang gak bisa masuk krn keabisan tiket. Pak De Jokowi juga dateng, bikin konser ini makin meriah.


Mereka mainin 18 lagu yaitu : Hit the Lights, Master of Puppets, Fuel, Ride the Lightning, Fade to Black, The Four Horsemen, Cyanide, Welcome Home (Sanitarium), Sad But True, Orion, One, For Whom the Bell Tolls, Blackened, Nothing Else Matters, Enter Sandman, Creeping Death, Fight Fire with Fire, Seek & Destroy. Dan berhasil membakar Jakarta, pokoknya konser ini AWESOME, lights, sound semua sempurna.

Konser selesai jam 11-an gak ada kerusuhan, semua tertib dan berjalan lancar. We love you Metallica. please come back soon to Jakarta.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Making Delicious Sushi Rice Without a Japanese Rice

Sushi rice or commonly called shari or sushi meshi, is the most important element in making sushi. However, not all types of rice can be used to make sushi rice. One of the requirements to make sushi rice right is the level of stickiness of the rice types.

However, kind of Japanese rice with rice beans in round shape it is the most perfect to make sushi rice. But the Japanese rice is very hard to be found in Indonesia. Even if  it is available the price is very expensive. For this condition, we can use local rice fluffier kind with high quality sushi rice in order to obtain similar results as using Japanese rice. Noteworthy is also the level of stickiness and fluffiness rice. Even if wearing high-quality fluffier rice sometimes it is not equal for the level of stickiness standard of sushi rice. Well, to fit with the standard we can mix rice with glutinous rice fluffier with  the ratio of 1 kg of rice fluffier: 100 gr glutinous rice.

It is important for  making sushi rice is the proper dose of spice. Sushi rice has typical flavor and aroma when it is consumed. It requires fit compossition between the vinegar, salt and sugar. Use the type of rice vinegar with acidity levels that are not too thick or it could be replaced with a kind of apple cider vinegar. It is advised not to wear local vinegar because it has high levels of acidity. The following  is the comparison of dose elements to make sushi rice :

1. Rice, 200 g: 300 g: 400 g
2. Water, 270 ml: 400 ml: 540 ml
3. Vinegar, 20 ml: 30 ml: 40 ml
4. Sugar, 1/2 tbsp: 3/4 tbsp: 1 tbsp
5. Salt, 1/2 tsp: 3/4 tsp: 1 tsp

the next steps is cooking mixed rice and water in a  pan along with Kombu sheet. Konbu be bought at the supermarket that is  specialized in selling Japanese food ingredients. However, konbu can be eliminated if it would not be found. Cook the rice as usual and after being cooked pour the rice into a wooden container called hangiri. Hangiri actually is very important because the use of wood container will speed up the process of absorbing the marinade. However, container from other materials is possible too.

Pour a solution of vinegar, sugar and salt to the rice and mix well with a fanned-fan to remove steam heat. We recommend using a wooden spoon when stirring the rice. Once the rice is really cold, then it is ready to be used to make sushi, we also can make sushi rice to make onigiri, the other kind of Japanese food. Because the savory flavors of sushi rice can be processed for acid used for onigiri.

Domo Arigathou !!!

Source : here